Since 1980, the Oroville Rescue Mission has been giving out Thanksgiving Food Baskets. Former Executive Director, Reverend
Mac McComas recounts, “I noticed that the churches were helping families during Christmas; but nobody was helping for
Thanksgiving. I went to Holiday Market & bought 200 Turkey Rolls because we couldn’t afford turkeys. I only bought 200 ‘cause
that was all the money we had. The 2nd year, we started buying frozen turkeys.”
This year, the Mission estimates that they’ll need 700 turkeys for the Thanksgiving Food Baskets. According to Executive
Director, Reverend Steve Terry, the Mission will need 1000 turkeys for the Holiday Season. Here are the details for this year’s
“Turkey Round-Up.”
Dates: November 1- December 25, 2014
Turkey Size -12-15 Pounds
Drop Off Locations:
• Oroville Rescue Mission 4250 Lincoln Blvd (7 days/7 a.m-7:30 p.m.)
• Oroville Rescue Mission Admin. 2445 Oro Dam #2 (M-F/10 a.m -4 p.m.)
• Oroville Rescue Mission Thrift Store 2130 Bird St. (M SAT/10 a.m-3 p.m.)
• Blueberry Twist Restaurant 491 Oro Dam Blvd. (7 days/7 a.m-7:30 p.m.)
Round UP them turkeys, folks!